Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to find job name from process ID (BI System Slow Analysis)

We used this scenario in term of BI system being slow :

Analysis steps :

1) Go to DB01 and find if there are any exclusive locks i.e. in HOLD _WAIT status

2) If yes find out the process ID and application server name of the locks in HOLD status.

3) Log on to the application server on which the process in Hold status is found and goto SM66

4) Find out the process ID against BTC and double click

5) Click on Job Information, it will give you the job name, you may find this on another application server as well but you need to enable below settings :

"For background processes, additional information is available for the background job that is currently running. You can only display this information, if you are logged onto the instance where the job is running, or if you choose Settings and deselect Display only abbreviated information, avoid RFC. In any case, the job must still be running".

For more information on this please goto below link:

6) Once you have found the job, you may give it to BI guys to relate the same to the Process Chain and kill the job / cancel the process chain.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kernel upgrade procedure - Traditional Method

(Please note that this is not the recommended method as this involved exchanging of kernel directories which may omit many other dependant files. The best way to avoid any inconsistency is to overwrite the old kernel directory by extracting new kernel binaries in the same directory).

Step I : Make directory /sapmnt/(SID)/exenew with full permissions

Step II: Extract the following files in the newly created directory


Step III: Change premissions for these three type of files in exenew

$Chown ora(SID):dba br*
$Chown root:sapsys saposcol
$Chown root:sapsys icmbnd

*all other files should be (sid)adm:sapsys

Step IV: Stop sap and saposcol

(sid)adm : stopsap
saposcol -k

Step V: Interchange the kernel directories

$ mv sapmnt/(SID)/exe exeold
$ mv sapmnt/(SID)/exenew exe

Step VI : Execute the following script as a root user

cd /sapmnt/(SID)/exe
./ (SID)

Step VII: Start SAP

(sid)adm : startsap

Step VIII: run the following scripts as oracle user

su - ora(sid)
cd /sapmnt/(sid)/exe

now run the scripts from here only

sqlplus /nolog @sapdba_role (SID)
sqlplus /nolog @sapconn_role (SID)

after executing the scripts check the log files

Step IX: Log in as (sid)adm user and check R3trans

$R3trans -d

It should give return code (0000)

Now login in the system goto System -> status and check the kernel patch level.

Kernel Upgrade Procedure - Simplest

Steps :- for 701 systems
1. cd /usr/sap/common/exe
2. ./OperInfo.ksh down "SR 2298151 Kernel Upgrade"
3. vis_stopsap r3
4. Login with adm
5. saposcol –k
6. cd /sapmnt/
7. cp -R exe exe
8. cd exe
9. cp -R /usr/sap/trans/SPR5/KERNEL_701_69/R5_Kernel_Extracted/* .

Steps :- For 700 Systems(*M2 and *S1 systems)
1. cd /usr/sap/common/exe
2. ./OperInfo.ksh down "CRQ 92360 Kernel Upgrade"
3. vis_stopsap r3
4. Login with adm
5. saposcol –k
6. cd /sapmnt/
7. cp -R exe exe
8. cd exe
9. cp -R /usr/sap/trans/SPR5/S1KRNL/R5_700_Kernel/* .

Steps for changing the kernel files permission to root (in all systems)
1. login as root user
2. cd /sapmnt//exe
3. ./

Steps:- Checking new kernel (in all systems)
1. Login as adm
2. cd /sapmnt//exe
3. disp+work (Take Screenshot of this Screen)

Please check and validate backint permission /opt/networker/bin
2. ls -l | grep backint and check permission of listed files
lrwxr-x--- root sys backint --> backint_hpux11_ia64_LGTsc19983_LGTsc28795_3.0.2
-rwsr-xr-x root sys backint_hpux11_ia64_LGTsc19983_LGTsc28795_3.0.2

3. if sticky bit is missing for backint_hpux11_ia64_LGTsc19983_LGTsc28795_3.0.2 run below command with root access

chmod 4755 backint_hpux11_ia64_LGTsc19983_LGTsc28795_3.0.2

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mass rename script in Unix (HP-UX)

(#!/bin/ksh) - remove the brackets in real scenario

cd /oracle/GE1/saparch
for file in *arch*; do

newfile=`echo $file | sed 's/ZE1/GE1/'`
mv $file $newfile


Mass copy script in HP-UX Unix

(#! /bin/ksh) - remove brackets in real scenario

cd /usr/sap/ZE1/EXT/M100/D2DWHP/out/MDT

for file in *ZORDERHIS*;do

mv $file /usr/sap/trans_rep/IBM_Transfer/DE0198_interface_files_MM

echo $file 'moved'


How to change some character in mass in vi editor


In above example %s means search for character ^M and replace it with nothing / g for globally

Or if you need to change the same with some other character say ^M with ^S then


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Remedy query to find out last resolved requests

Log on to the Remedy tool, Choose resolved in the category after giving till Solution Manager in Assignee :

click on Advance and fill in the below query

'Last Resolved Date ' >= "22/05/2011 00:00:00" AND 'Last Name*+' != "HP_OVO_Ratingen"

Here you may give in any date from that date onwards all the Resolved Incidents in Solution Manager group excluding the Alerts ('Last Name*+' != "HP_OVO_Ratinge")

NWDI Change Management Service - Transports

This one is related to Track management. You may import / Assemble SCs (containing many DCs) in your track.

First thing to log on to the NWDI CMS

then choose the Change Management Service

Choose the track that you may want to do the changes and import / Assemble as per requirement

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Parallel processes for Client Copy

Option for selecting the number of Parallel Process for Client Copy is available in SCC9, you may go to manu option Goto ---) Parallel Processes.

Here you will get options :

Maximum Number of Processes : 35

Logon/Server Group : parallel_generators

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Command to Rebuild Indexes

We used the following command to rebuild the indexes in ZE1 System :

brspace -f idrebuild -i (index_list)

For eg :

brspace -f idrebuild -i /COCKPIT/THDRV~DEL

behind the scenes, it is using the below sql command :

sql) alter index "SAPEVO", "/COCKPIT/THDRV~DEL" rebuild online;

in generic terms

alter index "(schemaname)", "(indexname)" rebuild online;