Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Register a program locally with rfcexec

Earlier when we tested the RFC with external Ferrari (FAX) server it failed but when we registered the same RFC locally on central ZE1 server the RFC started working the command we used was as follows:

rfcexec -gR3-ZE1 -xsapgw01 &

here rfcexec is a program to register rfc is the name of RFC connection

R3-ZE1 is the hostname where we are registering the RFC program

sapgw01 is the name of the gateway

& the program is running in background

Send Mail through UNIX HP-UX

For sending mail through HP-UX please use the following command

#uuencode (filename) (filename) | mailx -s "subject" (email ID)


#uuencode FBISacc1 FBISacc1 | mailx -s "Filesend"

Additionally we can zip and unzip files in HP-UX with below commands:

#zip (zipfilename) (original filename)

#uzip (zipfilename)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Netstat to find out if the port is open or closed

You may use the below command to find if the port is open or closed on a UNIX system:
-) netstat -a grep PID
if the porcess says CLOSE_WAIT, it means that the port is blocked.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Shared memory error in java

If Java engine doesn't start and there is shared memory error and the java logs says that ORA-28000 Account is locked, then check by command desc dba_users and fire query
-) select username, account_status from dba_users;

to find out the status for sapsr3db user; If it is locked then unlock the same with command;
-) Alter user sapsr3db account unlock; ( Here sapsr3db is for Java alternatively sapsr3 will be for ABAP)
After the same gets unlocked there is a SAP Note 951167- ORA-28000; the account is locked you can prevent the same from unlocking again;
To check FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS profile ;

Select limit from dba_profiles where profile='DEFAULT' and resource_name ='FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS';

If the limit is not set to unlimited, you may set the same with the following command;