Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Defining ABAP ALV export format for spreadsheet

Users sometimes cannot export the data from SAP to spreadsheet in prescribed format, for eg. they are only able to see (MHTML)format while exporting to excel.

There is SAP Note 1080608 for the same. Also please find the below link for more details:


Monday, October 11, 2010

Sample process managing SAP environment

Please find below the Sample Process to manage SAP environment based on metrics and SLAs


Project - Where implementation is taking place

BAU - Business As Usual (where actual Business is running)

The Project landscape has each and every system with integration that exists in BAU landscape.

Now all the developments that are done in Project are moved to BAU environment say in every 4-5 months, it is known as Cutover or Release 2/3/4/5 etc. Each release is for some new country or geographical area.

Now if the change has to be moved in BAU, there is a procedure that needs to be followed : (Eg. applying SAP notes)

1) There should be a change request (CRQ) created by the functional people that are facing the issue.

2) The transport requests are based on the above CRQ

3) Then there will be a developer designated who will implement that change say apply SAP note may be BASIS / ABAP against the transport request given above, they will fill in the checklist what action they will be performing. the checklist will contain the tester as well who will test the functionality after the note has been implemented in the system.

4) After applying notes, the developer will release the task of transport request not the transport request.

5) There will be a Change Advisory Board (CAB) who will approve the request till applying in Dev system the CRQ will be in draft mode, before implementing in test environment there should be RFA (Request for approval) for CAB and then after it gets approved and tested the same can be applied in production not before.

Please note in above scenario there is immense traceability on who has done what based on some ticket number which has all the documentation. The above scenario is fruitful in the scenarios where multiple 3rd party vendors are working in the same environment.

Friday, October 1, 2010

ZE3 ICM not coming up

There was a application server redesign activity last week where in we were involved in shutting down some application servers in backend /communication zones and changing parameters as per SAP TPO recommendations. But the issue came in where half of the processes in SM50 were showing in running status and other were in stopped status, when we reverted back the values of rdisp/wp_no_dia and btc it came again with correct status.

The logs were showing the database errors, we tried to connect to database and it showed connected to an idle instance even though the SAP system was working.

It immediately striked to us that database is not accepting more connections, we checked the value of V$session variable using following query;

The number of sessions the database was configured to allow

Select name, value from v$parameter WHERE name = 'sessions';

The number of sessions currently active

Select COUNT(*) from v$session;

for more info follow the below link

Though the connections were increased but still Business wanted justification on what basis the connections were increased.

We checked the ICM connection in SMICM in one of the instances was showing RED, we reverted the settings and it came up again, because of that the Adobe services and all JCo connections failed.

T77UU table for structural Authorization

Again we faced the issue, where all the OpCos were getting smoother response times from ESS in portal but only the newer ones (VGS) were not able to get the good response times when the employees checked there salaries /personal info/Bank Info from portal (29 secs) on an average.

First line of investigation was with BASIS Team only where we need to check the response times in Portal but we need WILY access for the same but indeed we checked from our side the CPU/Memory utilization for all application servers and we involved the Proxy Team as well to check the times.

We checked VAdmin Performance Tuning to check the stats but it was somewhere between 8ms -800ms not more than that.

Finally we did the trace of users getting the issue in ST05 (SQL and RFC trace) and sent the same to implementation partner for analysis. SAP also analyzed the same and came to conclusion that the client needs to maintain structural authorization data in table T77UU and T77PR.

This is the second post where structural Authorization again came to forefront in terms of issue resolution