Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Downloading from SAP no options for spreadsheet to choose different formats

As per our understanding, you need the below dialog box again to select any other format than Excel (in MHTML format) that you have choosen with "Always Use Selected format" checked:

Please follow the below link in order to do that :

We tried on our end and this is working for us.

In our test scanario when we clicked on spreadsheet option it is not showing the other formats and directly taking to the path where to save the file:

In order to get the options again, we chose one of the line items that we need to export :

Now right click on the selected line item and select spreadsheet :

It will ask again for the selection screen with "Always Use selected format" option selected:

Please uncheck the option "Always Use Selected Format" and take the export.

Now next time onwards, it will always show the dialog box showing the formats in which you need to take the exports.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

XVP Messaging adapter hung for FTP TIMOUT

There was a scenario where the Rail Cargo messages stuck in the XVP system and every time we need to take a system restart in order to enable the server to process the messages again.

We checked the communication channel there also the FTP timout was 60 sec. Obviously, the messages stuck due to the FTP Timout but after that the messaging server was not able to process any of the message.

Root cause and work around suggested by David from XI team to set the value of parameter messaging.system.queueParallelism.maxReceivers to 2 for SAP XI AF Messaging and SAP XI AF Core adapters in visual admin.

We checked the value of the same was 2 in server0 but was 0 in server1. Change raised to correct the same in server1

For more information on messaging parameters follow below link:

Relevant material :
Value type: Integer

Default: 0 (disabled)

This property specifies the maximum number of parallel worker threads per queue, based on the receiver fields of the processed messages. A value of 2, for example, will limit the amount of parallel worker threads for one receiver channel instance to 2, allowing the remaining configured worker threads to process messages for other receiver channel instances of the same adapter type.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

DB13 update stats will fail with error

In this scenario update stats was never successful and failed with error :

BR0301E SQL error -2132 at location thr_db_connect-3, SQL statement:

we checked the brtools permissions in /sapmnt/BIP/exe and they were wrong

SAP Note 113747 - Permissions for DBA tools BR*Tools and SAPDBA provides permissions for brtools, they are as follows :

brarchive, brbackup, and brconnect have permission 4775:
-rwsrwxr-x ora sapsys ...
These can be started by the ora or the adm OS user.

brrestore, brrecover, brspace, brtools, and sapdba have permission 755:
-rwxr-xr-x adm sapsys ...
These should only be started by the ora OS user.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Missing Oracle client on Application Server

The Scenrio is that one of the application servers of PEQ is not starting. When we checked the database connection it is showing return code 12 with R3trans -d command.

trans.log shows that the version of oracle client can't be ascertained.

we checked the env with env command

and it shows that variable SHLIB_PATH contains value


Here in this environment the oracle client is maintained for each SID separately but we verified the physical path of oracle client it is present in /oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient

so we temperarily changed the env to physical path and it worked

$setenv SHLIB_PATH /usr/sap/PEQ/SYS/exe/run:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient

$R3trans -d
This is R3trans version 6.22 (release 720 - 02.05.11 - 15:56:00).
unicode enabled version
R3trans finished (0000).