Saturday, July 2, 2011

Problems faced in Language Installation

There are 3 major parts of Language Installation

1) First Import the Language Package in 000 SMLT

2) Import the language part of all old Support packages in 000 client

3) Supplement the language in each client

We majorly faced the problem in step 2, where first we searched the location for all old support packages with

find . | grep "KGPHD*"


Secondly, as we were using A port, we started the import of language part of support package and logged off, this happens only in Dialog :) so the R3trans will work as the control is with SMLT import language part of support packages. This is not the case when we import the language "Import package" because it will show that the control has been transferred to R3trans in Action log.

Another issue we faced, there was import issue return code (16) while doing Import of language part of support package SAPK-603DFINSAPAPPL, actually this support package didn't exist in the system, this is a sub support package, we can find this using SE16 table PAT13:

the solution was in below link :

quoting the solution:

"please check table PAT13 in SE16; you'll see that these packages are listed in column SEC_NAME. Please refer to the main package that it belongs to on the PATCH column - this is the main package file that you should look for in SAP MarketPlace and unpack in EPS/in. Then you can repeat the process, it'll find the missing Meta-Commandfiles and continue w/o problems.

By the way, please check note #1508122, it might be that you have the incorrect language package installed on your system. This note explain in details how to check and install the correct language package on your system."

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